Zechariah 9:8
King James Version
8 And I will encamp about mine house
because of the army,
because of him that passeth by,
and because of him that returneth:
and no oppressor
shall pass through them any more:
for now have I seen with mine eyes.
There is no ambivalence.
No ambiguity.
Your country is your own.
You have a right to defend it.
Whether you're a citizen, or a politician.
Your first defense must be for your country.
That is, if you love your country.
Defend it with all your might.
Defend it from marauders within, and without.
Protect your rights, and that of others.
A home is also a "country".
It is your territory.
You need to protect yourself, and your family.
Keep it safe from all crime, and intrusion.
Keep your children safe.
Every home, community, city, country, school, business, or organization is a mini-country.
We all need to protect these spaces.
Be on guard always, for CHRIST's enemy has tons of schemes.
He will always infiltrate your home, workplace, and everything you hold dear.
He will always create confusion, chaos, and division.
He will corrupt your thinking.
Avoid covetousness at all costs.
It's the one that wants what others have.
That's where wars start.
Be content in the LORD JESUS.
He will always keep you safe.
PEACE can only come from JESUS.
All these you can understand once you're born again.
SPIRIT will teach you the LORD's ways.
He will teach you GOD's truth.
He will teach you about JESUS.
He will teach you GOD's laws.
When you know all that, you will not "encroach" upon others.
You will respect the rights of others.
To live in peace, love, joy, and harmony.
You will have the gospel of peace.
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