Friday, December 6, 2024

The TRUMP traits

 2 Corinthians 11:6

King James Version

6 But though I be rude in speech, 

yet not in knowledge; 

but we have been throughly made manifest 

among you in all things.

The elite left fumed.

How could they have lost?

How could Kamala have spent over $1-B and still came out owing $20-M?

How could Trump, a "fallen" president, have "risen" again?

How could they not have seen this disaster coming?

How could they not seem to "get rid" of "the guy"?

Well, perhaps because of these --


Kamala was "woke"; Trump was "awake".

Kamala used "hate" speech; Trump used "love" speech.

Kamala spoke vaguely; Trump spoke clearly.

Kamala "dodged" questions: Trump "dodged" bullets.

Kamala was "out of touch" with voters; Trump was "in touch" with voters.

Kamala fought for women's reproductive rights; Trump fought for worker's rights.

Kamala was focused on woke and gender issues; Trump was focused on America's survival.

Kamala promoted abortion; Trump nixed abortion.

Kamala turned away JESUS at a rally; Trump said GOD "spared" his life for a "reason".

Kamala called on celebrities to support her; Trump called on the people to support him.

Kamala had a weak team; Trump had a strong team.

Kamala ignored the people's "cry"; Trump heard their "cry".

Because Kamala didn't hear or pay attention to their cry, she failed to address their issues; because Trump heard their cry, he was able to give solutions to their issues.

Kamala's head was "up in the air"; Trump's ear was "close to the ground".

Kamala flip-flopped on her "policies"; Trump stuck to his policies.

Kamala cackled; Trump smiled.

Kamala looked "drunk"; Trump looked "spot-on".

Kamala mocked; Trump danced.

Kamala keeps saying she was born to a "middle-class family"; Trump hardly mentions what "type" of family he came from.

Kamala's Jamaican roots come from her Afro-Jamaican father; Trump's Jamaican connection comes from growing up in the Jamaican Estates in Queens, New York City.

Kamala acts like a "queen"; Trump comes from the "Queens". 

Kamala is Oakland, California "woke"; Trump is Queens, New York City "tough".

Kamala's "promoters" reminded me of "Moulin Rouge"; Trump's "promoters" reminded me of what Jordan Peterson calls "X-Men".

Kamala shuns interviews; Trump loves interviews.

Kamala needs a teleprompter; Trump can talk on his own.


Kamala lost; Trump won.

Kamala's "hiding"; Trump's "trending".

Kamala "bombed"; Trump "boomed".

Kamala has gone down into "infamy"; Trump is getting to be a "legend".

In case you're still in denial why Trump won, and how he really is, have a look at these short videos from the past:

Trump at a 2016 GOP debate

Trump and Obama comparison

Related material:


The REFRESHING president

What SPIRIT revealed about Trump and Kamala

Why TRUMP could WIN



TAKE the TRUMP train

Why Kamala LOST


Related video:

"They Hated Him Yesterday, But Today They’re Cheering for Trump!!" - Victor Davis Hanson

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