Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The FIT four

 Proverbs 18:24

King James Version

24 A man that hath friends 

must shew himself friendly: 

and there is a friend that sticketh 

closer than a brother.

Finally, a friendly voice from California.

At least, towards president-elect Trump.

Jake Steinfeld -- of "Body by Jake" -- invites Trump to visit fire-razed Palisades.

He's lost his home there, but remains upbeat.

He's known for his fitness mantra, "DON'T QUIT!"

I've heard about him since the 80s, having been a fitness buff myself.

He reminds America, "We're not red, or blue; we're red, white, and blue".

And that's how it ought to be.

Unlike what governor Newsom intends to do.

Raising US$50-M to fight Trump in CA.

As if you can stop the train that's already at your station.

Both Trump and Steinfeld are both "boys in the hood".

He grew up in Baldwin, New York, while Trump did in nearby Queens.

I can already imagine a great group:

President-elect (45th and 47th), Donald J. Trump.

Former honorary Palisades mayor (2013-2016), Jake Steinfeld.

Former 38th governor of CA (2003-2011), Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Trump-appointee for Health and Human Services, Robert F Kennedy Jr.

They're the FIT four.

Trump loves golf.

The other three are bodybuilding and fitness proponents.

Trump will ensure fiscal fitness for America.

The other three can help, by supporting Trump and his team, as well as promote fitness for all Americans.

Together, all four can make America "FIT", and happy, again!

If they choose to be born again, they'll do an even better job.

The HOLY SPIRIT will make sure.

That, we look forward to.

It will make America the safest, kindest, and most godly nation on earth.

An occurrence whose time has come!

Related material:

The TRUMP traits

TAKE the TRUMP train

The TRUMP series

GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

WHY so many?

 Proverbs 14:12

King James Version

12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, 

but the end thereof are the ways of death.

I had absolutely no interest in politics.

But it seemed, GOD made me pay attention to U.S. politics.

What with the 2024 elections, and all that.

Before you know it, I was "covering" the elections.

And connecting everything with what GOD's WORD says.

With every day news, I begin to see global movements.

And much global disorder.

And disaster.

Today, SPIRIT led me to another Trump triumph.

Wherein Congress certifies the election results.

Trump is officially legit U.S. president.

Of course, I especially took note of the states that have no love for Trump.

And these were about 20.

Methinks that will be for another post.

As I reviewed the American states, SPIRIT led me to something VERY telling:

"Each state has its own constitution 

and government,"

-- "List of states and territories of the United States", Wikipedia


All 50 states have their OWN constitution, and government?

Why so many?

No wonder it's chaotic.

I don't know about you, my common-sense mind says, ONE constitution suffices PER country.

But 50 states, 50 constitutions, and 50 governments?

Hard to govern all those, especially the belligerent ones.

No wonder, all the confusion, and division.

And all the mini "pockets of power".

Trump will need all the help GOD will give him

America is getting clearer by the day.

At least, to me.

SPIRIT makes me see the follies of the world.

Proverbs 15:21

King James Version

21 Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom: 

but a man of understanding walketh uprightly.

Being born again truly has re-wired my thinking.

I am perpetually grateful to JESUS for that.

He makes me see the essential.

Versus the non-essential.

Related material:



Having a SOUND mind

GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

The FIT four

 Proverbs 18:24 King James Version 24 A man that hath friends  must shew himself friendly:  and there is a friend that sticketh  closer than...