Saturday, January 25, 2025

On TRUE protection

 Zechariah 9:8

King James Version

8 And I will encamp about mine house 

because of the army, 

because of him that passeth by, 

and because of him that returneth: 

and no oppressor 

shall pass through them any more: 

for now have I seen with mine eyes.

There is no ambivalence.

No ambiguity.

Your country is your own.

You have a right to defend it.

Whether you're a citizen, or a politician.

Your first defense must be for your country.

That is, if you love your country.

Defend it with all your might.

Defend it from marauders within, and without.

Protect your rights, and that of others.

A home is also a "country".

It is your territory.

You need to protect yourself, and your family.

"Fortify your fortress."

Keep it safe from all crime, and intrusion.

Keep your children safe.

Every home, community, city, country, school, business, or organization is a mini-country.

We all need to protect these spaces.

Be on guard always, for CHRIST's enemy has tons of schemes.

He will always infiltrate your home, workplace, and everything you hold dear.

He will always create confusion, chaos, and division.

He will corrupt your thinking.

Avoid covetousness at all costs.

It's the one that wants what others have.

That's where wars start.

Be content in the LORD JESUS.

He will always keep you safe.

PEACE can only come from JESUS.

All these you can understand once you're born again.

SPIRIT will teach you the LORD's ways.

He will teach you GOD's truth.

He will teach you about JESUS.

He will teach you GOD's laws.

When you know all that, you will not "encroach" upon others.

You will respect the rights of others.

To live in peace, love, joy, and harmony.

You will have the gospel of peace.

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GOD's POWER over nations


GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

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Friday, January 24, 2025


 Daniel 11:32

King James Version

32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant 

shall he corrupt by flatteries: 

but the people that do know their God 

shall be strong, and do exploits.

You gotta hand it toTrump.

Definitely a no-nonsense president.

Definitely no waster of time.

Definitely caring for America, and Israel.

The "deal-maker" has sprung into action.

All that he wants to reform, he is doing so now.

Left, woke, DEI, Dems, enemies -- all bulldozed.

He has to undo what the "malicious duo" did -- and fast!

Too much damage has been done.

Biden and Kamala didn't love the American people.

If they did, they wouldn't have given America a hard time.


America will regain her power.

GOD gave His appointed "authority".

Because Trump is meant to care for his people.

And care for Israel, too.

As an example to the world.

Consider these recent moves.

(All short videos for you to enjoy):

Trump ousts first female head of US Coast Guard on day one of presidency

'Met with support': Trump withdraws US from World Health Organisation

‘Absolutely massive’: Donald Trump pulls US out of Paris Agreement

BREAKING | Trump Saves California with New Executive Order

Trump Signs FIVE MAJOR Pro-Israel Executive Orders Already!

Trump already working to ‘end the nonsense,’ ex-border official says

BREAKING: Trump border czar says deportation operations underway

Trump REVOKES Security Clearance For 51 Intel Officials Who Were WRONG About Hunter's Laptop

White House website debuts new look: 'America is back'

'DON' OF A NEW ERA: Trump fulfills dozens of campaign promises with stroke of a pen

Trump says he ended Fauci security detail: ‘You can’t have them forever’

Related videos:

When Trump makes a decision, it's going to happen, GOP senator says

Victor Davis Hanson on Trump’s unstoppable rise to power

Trump bashes CEOs of America's 2 biggest banks in front of Davos crowd

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The ORIGINAL pronouns


Genesis 1:27

King James Version

27 So God created man in his own image, 

in the image of God created he him; 

male and female created he them.

Life used to be so simple.

Until Satan got all vengeful.

Wanting our minds all confused.

Making people fight about it -- endlessly.

And forget GOD, in the process.

The enemy threw us a "bone" to pick on.

Pronouns, for one.

There's really nothing confusing about pronouns.

Our schools of old taught the basic pronouns:

I, he, she, you, it, we, they

he, him, she, her, they, them

For a time, DEI, woke, LGBTQxyz, and the left, lorded it over.

Now, that is reversing.

A Christian art teacher triumphed over "preferred" pronouns.

She will get US$450K from that ruling.

The ban on transgenders in women's sports is also on.

EXPECT more of GOD's "corrections" along the way.

Especially since America will have a new president soon.

A manly, no-nonsense president, appointed by GOD.

The woke, left, and DEI culture very nearly destroyed America.

Time to get back on the "path".

As born again, guided by SPIRIT.


He is the ONLY PATH to PEACE.

John 14:27

King James Version

27 Peace I leave with you, 

my peace I give unto you: 

not as the world giveth, give I unto you. 

Let not your heart be troubled, 

neither let it be afraid.


John 8:42

King James Version

42 Jesus said unto them, 

If God were your Father, ye would love me: 

for I proceeded forth and came from God; 

neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

It's time to go back to "basics".

The Bible, and old school.

By the way, I'm a "she".

Related material:




GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAN classics

Image: Clipart Library

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The FIT four

 Proverbs 18:24

King James Version

24 A man that hath friends 

must shew himself friendly: 

and there is a friend that sticketh 

closer than a brother.

Finally, a friendly voice from California.

At least, towards president-elect Trump.

Jake Steinfeld -- of "Body by Jake" -- invites Trump to visit fire-razed Palisades.

He's lost his home there, but remains upbeat.

He's known for his fitness mantra, "DON'T QUIT!"

I've heard about him since the 80s, having been a fitness buff myself.

He reminds America, "We're not red, or blue; we're red, white, and blue".

And that's how it ought to be.

Unlike what governor Newsom intends to do.

Raising US$50-M to fight Trump in CA.

As if you can stop the train that's already at your station.

Both Trump and Steinfeld are both "boys in the hood".

He grew up in Baldwin, New York, while Trump did in nearby Queens.

I can already imagine a great group:

President-elect (45th and 47th), Donald J. Trump.

Former honorary Palisades mayor (2013-2016), Jake Steinfeld.

Former 38th governor of CA (2003-2011), Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Trump-appointee for Health and Human Services, Robert F Kennedy Jr.

They're the FIT four.

Trump loves golf.

The other three are bodybuilding and fitness proponents.

Trump will ensure fiscal fitness for America.

The other three can help, by supporting Trump and his team, as well as promote fitness for all Americans.

Together, all four can make America "FIT", and happy, again!

If they choose to be born again, they'll do an even better job.

The HOLY SPIRIT will make sure.

That, we look forward to.

It will make America the safest, kindest, and most godly nation on earth.

An occurrence whose time has come!

Related material:

The TRUMP traits

TAKE the TRUMP train

The TRUMP series

GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

WHY so many?

 Proverbs 14:12

King James Version

12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, 

but the end thereof are the ways of death.

I had absolutely no interest in politics.

But it seemed, GOD made me pay attention to U.S. politics.

What with the 2024 elections, and all that.

Before you know it, I was "covering" the elections.

And connecting everything with what GOD's WORD says.

With every day news, I begin to see global movements.

And much global disorder.

And disaster.

Today, SPIRIT led me to another Trump triumph.

Wherein Congress certifies the election results.

Trump is officially legit U.S. president.

Of course, I especially took note of the states that have no love for Trump.

And these were about 20.

Methinks that will be for another post.

As I reviewed the American states, SPIRIT led me to something VERY telling:

"Each state has its own constitution 

and government,"

-- "List of states and territories of the United States", Wikipedia


All 50 states have their OWN constitution, and government?

Why so many?

No wonder it's chaotic.

I don't know about you, my common-sense mind says, ONE constitution suffices PER country.

But 50 states, 50 constitutions, and 50 governments?

Hard to govern all those, especially the belligerent ones.

No wonder, all the confusion, and division.

And all the mini "pockets of power".

Trump will need all the help GOD will give him

America is getting clearer by the day.

At least, to me.

SPIRIT makes me see the follies of the world.

Proverbs 15:21

King James Version

21 Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom: 

but a man of understanding walketh uprightly.

Being born again truly has re-wired my thinking.

I am perpetually grateful to JESUS for that.

He makes me see the essential.

Versus the non-essential.

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