Sunday, November 24, 2024

Starts with parents

 Deuteronomy 6:7

King James Version

7 And thou shalt teach them diligently 

unto thy children, 

and shalt talk of them when thou 

sittest in thine house, 

and when thou walkest by the way, 

and when thou liest down, 

and when thou risest up.

Don't blame the children so much.

For their weird, quirky ways.

Even their queer ways.

Did they have role models?

Who were their role models?

What did society show them?

What did society teach them?

What did schools teach them?

What have you taught them?

What have you showed them?

We were all babies once.

Kids once.

Teens once.

How are our lives now?

How did we get to be where we are now?

Did we blame anyone?

Did we thank anyone?

Was there something missing in our lives?

What could we have learned better?

What could have been taught us better?

What did we have wanted to have known?

Do we blame anyone, for any misfortune?

Do we thank anyone, for any blessing?

The questions, and review, can go on and on.

But one thing I maintain as born again:

Born again parents have an edge.

They've got everything going for them.

They were taught about JESUS.

They were taught by SPIRIT.

They know Scripture.

They know GOD's commands.

There's no excuse for them to fail their children.

Even as children have minds of their own, too.

What the kids do with their own lives, is their own choice.

Still, parents need to teach kids about GOD:

Deuteronomy 6:4-5

King James Version

4 Hear, O Israel: 

The Lord our God is one Lord:

5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God 

with all thine heart, 

and with all thy soul, 

and with all thy might.

Deuteronomy 6:8-9

King James Version

8 And thou shalt bind them 

for a sign upon thine hand, 

and they shall be as frontlets 

between thine eyes.

9 And thou shalt write them 

upon the posts of thy house, 

and on thy gates.

As with everything else, success or failure depends upon the choices we make, and the predestination we have.

More articles here.

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